Stone Real Estate - Whittlesea
Brenae Biagioni

Brenae Biagioni

Senior Property Manager at Stone Real Estate - Whittlesea

4 years experience

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About Brenae Biagioni

4 years experience

Brenae is a seasoned property manager with a passion for real estate. Originally from Kilmore, she knows the northern suburbs like the back of her hand, making her a go-to expert in the area. Brenae's all about giving top-notch service and personalised solutions because she's super connected to her community and wants to make sure everyone's happy.

She's known for being proactive and great at talking things out, bringing a fresh vibe to the industry. She thrives on building strong relationships and tackling challenges head-on with a blend of creativity and honesty. People love how straight-up she is and how she always sticks to her promises.

Brenae's got skills, too! Certified in Business Management, adds some serious strategy to her already impressive toolbox. She's pumped about being part of the Stone Real Estate team, where she's surrounded by support and opportunities to grow.

Outside of work, Brenae's all about spontaneity. She loves going on random trips with her partner and extended family, soaking up all the good vibes and inspiration they bring.

With Brenae on board, Stone Real Estate is buzzing with excitement. Her mix of expertise, friendliness, and professionalism makes her a total asset, and her future with the company looks bright!


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Stone Real Estate - Whittlesea

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