Elders - Bega
Rodney McDonald

Rodney McDonald

:icensee in Charge at Elders - Bega

14 years experience

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About Rodney McDonald

14 years experience

Rodney McDonald joined the sales team at Elders Bega in February 2010. Rod grew up in Bega, and his family has strong ties to the area. When Rodney finished school at Bega High he moved to Canberra to study and work, before moving to Sydney for three years.

Rodney met his wife Alison in Sydney, and decided the Bega Valley was the best place to raise a family. In June 2009 Rodney and Alison welcomed their pride and joy, Callum into the world. Hamish joined the McDonald Clan in September 2012.

Rod’s move into real estate came about due to a desire to be challenged on a daily basis at work and being able to spend more time with his family.

Rodney firmly believes that Bega and the surrounding area will see an economic boom in the coming years. It will be an exciting time to raise a family in the Valley. Rodney is mindful that for most people, real estate is not a purely economic exercise, in most cases it involves moving out a much loved family home and into a new one. Rod aims to make the experience of moving home as stress free and enjoyable as possible.

In August 2011, Rod made the next step of buying a share in the business, effectively putting his money where his mouth is with his belief the Bega Valley will continue to grow and develop over the next few years.

Rod regularly appears in the top 100 Salespeople list for the Elders network nationwide.

Rod has brought a focus to digital media into the office, striving to bring up the standards of Real Estate marketing in the Valley.

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Elders - Bega

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