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Post Office Centre, 90-94 Byrnes Street Mareeba, QLD 4880


Post Office Centre, 90-94 Byrnes Street,
Mareeba, QLD 4880

Shops & Retail • Offices

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Map of Post Office Centre, 90-94 Byrnes Street

  • Train stations within 5 km of Post Office Centre, 90-94 Byrnes Street, Mareeba, QLD 4880Distance
    Mareeba92 m

Outstanding Retail & Office Positions in the Heart of Mareeba

Mareeba's best retail location now available to lease.

Post Office Centre is located in the Main Street of Mareeba at 90-94 Byrnes Street.

The centre is anchored by Bendigo Bank, as well as Australia Post, ensuring a steady flow of shoppers to capitalise from. The property has ample parking both on Byrnes Street as well as Railway Avenue. Presentation is first class and the centre is a hub for meeting at the very popular food court.

Available tenancies include:

- 153 sqm on Byrnes Street
- 133 sqm between the physio and the sushi shop

This is an outstanding opportunity for retailers as well as any allied health providers.


Knight Frank Cairns is an independently owned office within the Knight Frank global network, servicing Far North Queensland in all its commercial property requirements.

Knight Frank Cairns has been successfully operating for over 33 years and incorporates three departments into the one office; a vastly experienced Valuation department, a high-level Investment and Facilities Management division, and a Commercial Sales and Leasing department.

Knight Frank Cairns is able to provide a more accurate assessment of the local property market due to the combination of services which it offers, combined with the commitment of a team of highly professional, experienced staff who are supported by state-of-the-art research, technological and administrative resources.

Property ID: 504359100Last Updated: 5 Dec 2024

04079640... logo
Post Office Centre, 90-94 Byrnes Street
Mareeba, QLD 4880
Knight Frank - Cairns
1st Floor, 32 Sheridan Street

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