Medical & Consulting Property For Lease in Richardson, ACT 2905

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  2. Lanyon Marketplace - Faithfully Serving Canberra's South• 3 x prime, retail tenancies • "Ant-trail” from car-park to Woolworths • Potential to subdivide
    Knight Frank - Canberra
    Nathan Dunn

    Lanyon Marketplace, Various Opportunities, 4 Sidney Nolan Street,
    Conder, ACT 2906

    Contact Agent

    25 - 144 m²Shops & Retail • Medical & Consulting

    Nathan Dunn

  3. Chisholm Village , 42 Halley Street Chisholm ACT 2905 - Image 1

    Once in a generation opportunity

    230 - 320 m²Shops & Retail • Medical & Consulting
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