Development Sites & Land For Sale in Borderdale, WA 6320

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    Properties for sale in Great Southern Region, WA and South Coast Region, WA

  2. FOR SALE: 2.026 Ha Infill Development Site• Zoned "Special Use (Healthcare)" under • 86.5m Street frontage with access to L • Large, flat, rectangular-shaped site
    Belle Property Commercial Perth
    Brent Griffiths

    53-59 Lakes Road,
    Greenfields, WA 6210

    Offers Invited

    2.03 ha (5.01 acres)Development Sites & Land • Medical & Consulting

    Other Agencies: AGORA Property Group

    Brent Griffiths

    Other Agencies
    AGORA Property Group
  3. RWC  - WA

    2 Saltaire Way,
    Port Kennedy, WA 6172

    Contact Agent

    2624 m²Development Sites & Land

    Michael Danagher

  4. 3 COMMERICAL LOTS AVAILABLE FOR SALE• 3 Commercial Lots Remaining • Lodge an Expression of Interest
    Burgess Rawson  - Perth

    Lot 9044 Cnr Bailey Boulevard and Cocklebiddy Gate,
    Dawesville, WA 6211

    Offers Invited

    0.75 ha (1.85 acres)Development Sites & Land

    Christopher Carcione, Rory Walker

  5. Advertisement
  6. Elders Real Estate South West - Bunbury

    76 McCombe Road,
    Davenport, WA 6230

    $2,500,000 + GST

    0.9 ha (2.22 acres)Development Sites & Land
  7. Harcourts Mandurah - MANDURAH

    400 Pinjarra Road,
    Greenfields, WA 6210

    Contact Lee Perry 0408 905 104

    2.25 ha (5.56 acres)Development Sites & Land
  8. First National Busselton -

    Busselton Gateway Industrial Park,
    Yalyalup, WA 6280

    From $200/m + gst

    2000 m²Development Sites & Land • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Other
  9. Advertisement
  10. Elders Real Estate South West - Bunbury

    23 Gibbons Road,
    Davenport, WA 6230

    Contact Agent

    1982 m²Development Sites & Land
  11. Nutrien Harcourts WA -

    Address available on request,
    Mount Observation, WA 6302

    Expressions of Interest

    722.45 ha (1785.21 acres)Development Sites & Land • Commercial Farming & Rural • Other Pty Ltd does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or accept any liability arising in any way from any omissions or errors. The information should not be regarded as advice or relied upon by you or any other person and we recommend that you seek professional advice before making any property decisions.