Commercial Properties For Sale in Cunninyeuk, NSW 2734

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    Properties for sale in Murray Region, NSW

    Tierney Real Estate Mildura - MILDURA
    Ryan Tierney

    15 Corbett Avenue,
    Buronga, NSW 2739

    $395,000 + GST

    3241 m²Development Sites & Land

    Ryan Tierney

  3. Certified Organic Almond Aggregation• 106.63ha* planted • Various water licences included • Associated business available
    CBRE - Agribusiness
    Angus Bills
    John Harrison

    3340 Low Darling Road,
    Wentworth, NSW 2648

    Contact Agent

    2902059 m²Commercial Farming & Rural

    Angus Bills, John Harrison

  4. Golden Rivers Real Estate - Barham

    Mitre 10 / Petstock Cohuna & Barham, 16 Moulamein Road,
    Barham, NSW 2732

    Contact Agent

    300 m²Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Shops & Retail • Showrooms & Large Format Retail
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  7. Curlwaa Caravan Park, 3 Williamsville Road Curlwaa NSW 2648 - Image 1

    FHGC - $1,500,000 plus SAV

    1 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure
  8. Ivanhoe NSW 2878 - Image 1

    LEASEHOLD $90,000

    1 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure
  9. Hotel Australia, 161 Sanger Street Corowa NSW 2646 - Image 1

    Contact Agent

    2544 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure Pty Ltd does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or accept any liability arising in any way from any omissions or errors. The information should not be regarded as advice or relied upon by you or any other person and we recommend that you seek professional advice before making any property decisions.