Medical & Consulting Property For Sale in Holmview, QLD 4207

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  2. Motivated Landlord/Seller (Call Today)• Beenleigh Town Centre • Ground Floor Tenancy • Available for Immediate Occupation
    Hub Commercial Qld - BEENLEIGH

    105/58-60 Manila Street,
    Beenleigh, QLD 4207


    98 m²Offices • Medical & Consulting

    Mark Osmond

  3. Hub Commercial Qld - BEENLEIGH

    5/67-69 George Street,
    Beenleigh, QLD 4207

    $200,000 plus GST

    57 m² 1Offices • Medical & Consulting • Shops & Retail
  4. 13/116-120 River Hills Road Eagleby QLD 4207 - Image 1

    Contact Agent

    202 m²Shops & Retail • Offices • Medical & Consulting
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