Commercial Farming & Rural Property For Sale in Petrie Terrace, QLD 4000

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    Properties for sale in QLD

  2. The Clermont Collection | Diversified Cropping & Grazing Opportunity• Comprising a total land area of 5,515*ha • Favourable climate and reliable rainfall • Watered via catchment dams and tanks
    Savills - Brisbane
    Gregory Woods

    3246 Magenta Langton Rd,
    Clermont, QLD 4721

    For Sale Now

    5845 ha (14443.31 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural • Development Sites & Land

    Gregory Woods

  3. Under Contract
    Simon Cudmore
    Jaclyn Hope

    Address available on request,
    Allenview, QLD 4285


    237 ha (585.64 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Simon Cudmore, Jaclyn Hope

    Danny Thomas
    Simon Cudmore
    Elizabeth Doyle

    Address available on request,
    Toobeah, QLD 4498


    11228 ha (27744.99 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Danny Thomas, Simon Cudmore, Elizabeth Doyle

  5. Advertisement
  6. Julago Cattle Yards, Townsville North Qld - For Sale
    RWC - Townsville

    73 Lowe Road,
    Julago, QLD 4816

    Expressions of Interest Closing 22/11/24 at 5pm

    19.01 ha (46.97 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Development Sites & Land

    Adrian Pascoe, Stacie Stockham

  7. Ray White - Yeppoon

    Omaroo, 160 Meldrum Road,
    Glendale, QLD 4711

    AUCTION - 14 December 2024 at 11am

    258.99 ha (639.98 acres) 14Commercial Farming & Rural • Development Sites & Land • Other
  8. Advertisement
  9. Ray White Rural - (Queensland)

    455-515 Haigslea Malabar Road,
    Marburg, QLD 4346

    Expressions of Interest Closing 19th September

    1 m²Commercial Farming & Rural
  10. Coastline Realty - Bargara

    453 Lindemans Road,
    Moore Park Beach, QLD 4670

    $3,000,000 plus GST if applicable

    516 m² 4Commercial Farming & Rural Pty Ltd does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or accept any liability arising in any way from any omissions or errors. The information should not be regarded as advice or relied upon by you or any other person and we recommend that you seek professional advice before making any property decisions.