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Address available on request Collinsville, QLD 4804

Address available on request,
Collinsville, QLD 4804

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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FREEHOLD $1,500,000

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Freehold, fully furnished self-contained ground level apartments with tremendous upside and a constantly high net profit.

Single storey multi residential complex. Two buildings separated by central driveway. Constructed from rendered masonry brick with Colorbond roofing. 9 apartments comprising 5 one-bedroom units and 4 two- bedrooms. Each apartment has an attached single car accommodation (carport x 6 / lock up garage x 3).

Will be the centre of a $20 billion renewable energy and ammonia/hydrogen project worth billions led by Korea Zinc’s Ark Energy in Townsville. Creation of over 6800 jobs during the construction phase and over 600 permanent jobs for the local region once operational. Investment of over $7.5 billion Supports Queensland's goal of 70% renewable energy by 2032. A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Centrally located and opposite the post office, each apartment features a fully equipped kitchen and laundry, spacious living areas, ensuite with shower, microwave, double bed, cable television, video/DVD, air-conditioning, ceiling fan and iron/ironing board.

Guests are able to enjoy a barbecue facility and undercover parking.

Operating for approximately 15 years with the same owner who built and developed the accommodation property.

Accommodation is rented on a nightly, weekly or longer term if required.

Business is operated remotely and currently overseen with the cleaning and maintenance by an associate that resides near the property and will happily carry on this service with new owners.

Business would benefit from a strong owner-operator to drive the numbers and reap the benefits of this outstanding opportunity.

Area has a lot to offer and the owner will benefit in the longer term from:

- The units being built to strata title.

- A centrally located and well known complex close to all amenities.

- No need to reside on site onsite, current owner resides in Brisbane.

- Established and refined operations are all in place with staff for cleaning and maintenance.

- Consistent rental market with corporate workers.

Net Profit: $119,128 for 2021/22 expected to boom

Contact Michael Philpott from Tourism Brokers for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Property ID: 2831MF (quote when enquiring)

Property Code: 4946

Additional information

Property ID: 504596324Last Updated: 20 Oct 2024

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Address available on request
Collinsville, QLD 4804
Tourism Brokers - NSW, QLD, VIC & TAS
Centralised Administration: 32 Lamorna Ave

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