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Address available on request Yorkeys Knob, QLD 4878

Address available on request,
Yorkeys Knob, QLD 4878

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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Offers Over $775,000

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Absolute Beach Front Management Rights - ID 8595

  • Scope to acquire further letting pool
  • Long Agreements to 2041 with friendly BC
  • 500m to Marina, Dining and Shopping
North Queensland Management Rights for Sale

Consistent Performer, Absolute beachfront, with Excellent BC Salary – Yorkey’s Knob

- Guaranteed BC salary of $49,945.92 Inc GST, annual net profit of $95,380

- 11 units in letting pool, happy owners all on board

- Well maintained gardens and pool

- Expansive absolute beachfront 3 bedroom fully refurbished managers residence.

- Large office on title

- Supportive committee and owners

- 17 years left on rights, with scope to top up to 25 years at next BC meeting

- Resort style pool and BBQ area, with Wi-Fi and Cable TV

- Extensively refurbished apartments, and ready to reap the rewards of letting.

- A large sinking fund of $115,000 to undertake many more improvements

- 500m from all shopping, medical services and 15-minute drive to International Airport

The absolute beachfront location is perfect, the residence expansive and comfortable, the complex is compact, and the lifestyle is relaxed and comfortable.

Showing a 41% return on the Business Investment, you cannot go wrong with this management rights, with sea views of the Coral Sea, your residential property will only appreciate over the life of the rights.

Net Profit: $95,380
Offers Over $775,000
(Inclusive of Manager's Real Estate)

For further information or to arrange an inspection of this North Queensland Management Rights business opportunity contact:

Management Rights Broker
Antonio Curulli

Property Code: 811

Property ID: 504600716Last Updated: 21 Nov 2024

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Address available on request
Yorkeys Knob, QLD 4878
Management Rights Sales - QLD & NSW
170 Scarborough Street

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