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1/12 Anderson Walk Smithfield, SA 5114


1/12 Anderson Walk,
Smithfield, SA 5114

Offices • Shops & Retail

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Map of 1/12 Anderson Walk


Affordable Office Accommodation with Storage Options

The Smithfield Train & Bus transport hub is located just a short walk away, as is the Munno Para Shopping Centre.

- 103sqm* office/retail
- 43sqm* rear secure area with roller door access, for storage or a vehicle
- Own internal toilet & kitchenette
- Alarm system
- 3 split wall units providing heating & cooling throughout
- Plumbing still in place from previous occupier

The other businesses in the group include, pet shop, bakery, tattoo shop and book shop.
With other reputable neighbours like a Child Care Centre, Royal Society of the Blind, Government Offices, Doctors surgery & Pharmacy as well as the Salvation Army all nearby.

For further details or to arrange an inspection, please contact the leasing agent:
Claire Britton 0417 833 2...

Property ID: 503903010Last Updated: 31 Aug 2023

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1/12 Anderson Walk
Smithfield, SA 5114

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