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18 Bourke Street Bunbury, WA 6230


18 Bourke Street,
Bunbury, WA 6230

Showrooms & Large Format Retail • Offices

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Map of 18 Bourke Street


Ideal Corner LOCATION

This unit sits on the corner of Bourke and Stuart Streets and has maximum exposure to a large number of passing motorists. Stuart Street is the major dual carriageway connecting Blair and Spencer Streets.
The unit is approximately 165m2 in size and consists of a 52m2 showroom and a 110 m2+ Storage or Warehouse area plus a large mezzanine area.
The majority of the warehouse area is currently configured as offices however the owner is prepared to remove the offices to meet the client's needs.
There is plenty of window space for marketing to the passing traffic, which makes this property ideal for a start-up business or a business that wants plenty of exposure.
The Tenancy is opposite a Large City of Bunbury Free Car Park, so parking will never be a problem.
Great Exposure
165m2 of Lettable Area
Air conditioned
3 Offices
Warehouse with industrial-sized roller door access
3.5 kw solar unit on the roof
Opposite City of Bunbury Public Car Park

Property ID: 504119307Last Updated: 20 Oct 2022

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18 Bourke Street
Bunbury, WA 6230

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