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18 River Road Redbank, QLD 4301


18 River Road,
Redbank, QLD 4301

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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Brand New Industrial Facility

  • Brand New Facility
  • Extensive Hardstand
  • Provision for cranes and large power
- 1,550sqm clearpsan warehouse (10m high)
- 112sqm air conditioned ground floor office
- 2,500sqm (approx) secured hardstand
- 9 Container height roller doors
- Full length 6m cantilevered awning for undercover loading
- Provision to install multiple cranes
- Extensive fully secured hardstand
- Flexibility to be spilt into 2 tenancies with moveable dividing wall
- Completion expected late 2021

Soon to commence construction will be this fully featured office/warehouse facility adjoining Goodman's Redbank Motorway Estate. Features include clearspan, high bay warehouse, 9 container height roller doors, provision for cranes, large 3-phase power supply, fully fenced and secured hardstand of approx 2,500sqm, ample onsite carparking and full b-double access.

Located in the heart of Redbank, this property provides unimpeded access to the Ipswich Motorway and is only 30 minutes to the Brisbane CBD. Neighbours include DB Schenker, Northline & TNT.

Please contact Exclusive Agents Donnelly & Associates for further information.

Property ID: 503810690Last Updated: 15 Nov 2022

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18 River Road
Redbank, QLD 4301

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