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2/11 Tradelink Road Hillcrest, QLD 4118


2/11 Tradelink Road,
Hillcrest, QLD 4118

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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Map of 2/11 Tradelink Road


Tidy 197sqm Warehouse With 6 Carparks!

Key Features
* 197sqm Total GFA
* 6 on site car parks
* Great access to Mount Lindesay Highway

Other Features
* 3 Phase Power
* 127sqm Warehouse Space
* 70sqm Office/ Storage Mezzanine
* Access via electric container height roller door
* Toilet, Shower and Kitchenette Facilities
* Ability to combine 141sqm adjacent tenancy upon negotiation

AVAILABLE SPACE: 197 sqm - 338 sqm

The Hillcrest business precinct straddles the Mt Lindesay Highway, and is easily accessible from the Logan Motorway. For some businesses the highway road frontage provides them with optimal exposure to highway traffic. The area is a major sub-regional centre that has experienced rapid growth over recent years.

Property ID: 502904882Last Updated: 4 Sep 2018

07 3115 71... logo
2/11 Tradelink Road
Hillcrest, QLD 4118
Bromley Real Estate
3370 Pacific Hwy

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