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McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)

3 & 4/1 Zwerner Drive Hallett Cove, SA 5158

3 & 4/1 Zwerner Drive,
Hallett Cove, SA 5158

Medical & Consulting • Offices

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McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)
Craig Feely
Andrew Wilson

McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)

Level 10/60 Waymouth Street
McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)
3 & 4/1 Zwerner Drive
Hallett Cove, SA 5158



Hallett Cove Professional Centre

- Available areas of 82 sqm*, 122 sqm* and 204 sqm*

- A full refurbishment of the interior and exterior currently underway including façade upgrade, landscaping, canopy/facade upgrades

- Suitable for a wide variety of uses including medical & allied health and professional offices

- Surrounding tenancies include National Pharmacies, Physio Xtra, chiropractor, doctors surgery, orthodontist, conveyancer, vet surgery, psychologist, accountant

- Located adjacent to the Hallett Cove Shopping Centre

- Ample on-site parking and signage rights available

- Available immediately

Contact McGees Property to arrange an inspection of 3 & 4/1 Zwerner Drive Hallett Cove.
(RLA 1722)

(* approx.)

Property ID: 503281494Last Updated: 13 Apr 2021

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