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4 Benson Avenue Shellharbour City Centre, NSW 2529


4 Benson Avenue,
Shellharbour City Centre, NSW 2529

Shops & Retail • Offices • Medical & Consulting

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Premium Commercial Suites - For Sale or Lease

The City Shores Commercial & Retail Office / Retail / Medical Suites boasts a premiere location, experiencing increasing customer traffic to the precinct.

Both for Sale or Lease, these suites offer both an incredible investment opportunity or an effective business move into the Shellharbour City Centre.

Shop Areas range from 159 sqm - 462 sqm.

Shellharbour is a vibrant and booming regional centre that stretches from the ocean to the pastures of the grand Illawarra Escarpment, nestled between Lake Illawarra to the North and Killalea State Park to the South.

Shellharbour boasts unrivalled seaside beauty and growth, with the region's leading shopping centre, Stockland Shellharbour having benefited from a recent $330 million upgrade, showcasing a redeveloped alfresco dining precinct and adjacent freestanding Great Union Theatre Complex.

Property ID: 504331860Last Updated: 5 Dec 2024

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4 Benson Avenue
Shellharbour City Centre, NSW 2529
Harrison Property Wollongong - WOLLONGONG
Suite 13/74 Kembla Street

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