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Ground Unit 1, 73-81 Murray Street Hobart, TAS 7000


Ground Unit 1, 73-81 Murray Street,
Hobart, TAS 7000


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Map of Ground Unit 1, 73-81 Murray Street


Spacious CBD office tenancy

  • Size: 384 sqm*
  • Convenient CBD location
  • High quality 'as new' fitout
This highly flexible commercial tenancy with ample space has it all.

The tenancy is situated on the ground floor of "Murray House", in the heart of Hobart's city centre and has a high profile to a strong level of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

It has significant window frontage and signage opportunity and has its own entrance and amenities, making it easy for after hours access and operation.

There is a high quality "as new" fit-out insitu, being recently used for education purposes and before that for many years as a corporate office. Includes separate male, female and accessible toilets, with a shower.

The property is conveniently located just up from Hobart's central retail block and is ready to go.

The property is situated within the heart of Hobart's CBD being approximately 50 north west of the central retail block.

Property ID: 504549736Last Updated: 12 Dec 2024 logo
Ground Unit 1, 73-81 Murray Street
Hobart, TAS 7000

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