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Shop 3, Lot 65 Sandridge Road East Bunbury, WA 6230


Shop 3, Lot 65 Sandridge Road,
East Bunbury, WA 6230

Shops & Retail

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Map of Shop 3, Lot 65 Sandridge Road



Start your own dream business from this very busy location. This shop has a floor area of 79.5m2, but if you need more room, add on the adjoining premises to give you a total of 159.5m2. There is plenty of parking available and the tenancy gets exposure from passing traffic through the adjacent Red Rooster drive thru.

- Premises exterior just been repainted;
- 79.5m2 to 159.5m2;
- Ample free parking.
- Exposure to Red Rooster;

This is a great location for a small business looking for some exposure.

Shop 3 is priced at $22,500 per annum + Outgoings plus GST.
(*plus tenancy consumables i.e. power etc)

The Estimated Outgoings for the 2023/24 financial year are $9,102pa plus GST.

Give me a call today to take a walk through or for more details.

Additional information

Property ID: 502415970Last Updated: 24 Jul 2023

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Shop 3, Lot 65 Sandridge Road
East Bunbury, WA 6230

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