Tasman Private Hospital proposal knocked back by Hobart Council

An artist’s impression of the proposed Tasman Private Hospital in New Town. Picture: SUPPLIED
An artist’s impression of the proposed Tasman Private Hospital in New Town. Picture: SUPPLIED

A proposed boutique medical centre for Hobart’s northern suburbs is a step closer to being refused after a setback at a council committee meeting.

Last month, the Hobart City Council planning committee voted to defer the application for the $50 million Tasman Private Hospital at the old WIN TV site at 48-52 New Town Rd, New Town.

The deferral was to give the applicants time to consider further consultation with council staff and the community for a potential redesign.

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The design for the boutique four-storey medical centre included six operating theatres and a 24-bed overnight ward as well as a pharmacy, radiology, conference facilities, doctors’ rooms and health support services.

The project is a joint-venture between national short-stay hospital specialist Nexus Hospitals and Contact Group, a Tasmanian-based family construction business.

Since the deferral, a meeting was held between the proponents and some members of the community about potential changes.

Some of the changes included increasing some setbacks, additional landscaping in the form of a greenery wall and privacy screening.

But the proposal was recommended for refusal by council officers, with the proponents “encouraged to submit a new application responding to the concerns outlined”.

An artist’s impression of the proposed Tasman Private Hospital in New Town. Picture: SUPPLIED

Nexus Hospitals chief executive Andrew Petering had said the project was important to the broader interests of health service delivery in Hobart. But at tonight’s committee meeting, opponents to the development said the state of the health system more broadly was not a planning consideration.

New Town Rd resident and architect Chris Clinton says the proposed addition of a wall of greenery on the western facade would only add to the bulk of the building.

Seymour St resident Glenn Woodfall says the community expects elected representatives to safeguard residents’ quality of life.

“I simply ask, would a towering wall of noise and exhaust fume make a welcome backdrop to your children playing on a trampoline in the backyard in almost shade,” he says.

Planner for the proponents Irene Duckett says the development could provide amenity to the community due to their proximity to the services on offer.

The committee voted 3-2 to refuse the application, with Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds, Deputy Lord Mayor Helen Burnet and Cr Bill Harvey voting in favour of the refusal and Ald Simon Beharkis and Tanya Denison voting against the refusal.

After the meeting Woodfall, speaking on behalf of representers, welcomed the decision.

“We are optimistic that the full council will uphold the recommendation for refusal,” he says.

“The residents’ approach since the outset has been to stick to the facts and follow the process to the letter, but there is growing frustration.”

The application will go to the full council next Monday.

This article from The Mercury originally appeared as “Tasman Private Hospital in New Town recommended for refusal by Hobart City Council planning committee”.