Sold Commercial Farming & Rural Property in Burnett Downs, QLD 4670

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    Properties sold in Sunshine Coast, QLD and Southern Region, QLD

  2. Sold
    Quality mixed-enterprise asset with excellent water security
    Simon Cudmore
    Grant Veivers
    Darren Collins

    0 Dennes Road,
    Meandarra, QLD 4422

    Contact Agent

    2498 ha (6172.69 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Simon Cudmore, Grant Veivers, Darren Collins

  3. Sold
    Own a Sunshine Coast Icon - Large Land Holding with Multifaceted Business
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    Tallon Pamenter

    114-132 Fairhill Road,
    Ninderry, QLD 4561

    Contact Agent

    8.74 ha (21.6 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural • Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Development Sites & Land

    Tallon Pamenter

  4. LAWD
    Simon Cudmore

    440 Smiths Crossing Road,
    Avondale, QLD 4670

    Contact Agent

    107 ha (264.4 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Simon Cudmore

  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    Mount Colliery Station• 1,251* hectares of prime cattle country • Reliable rainfall of 50* inches per year • Located near QLD & NSW border
    Colliers - Brisbane

    "Mount Colliery Station" Gambubal Road,
    Mount Colliery, QLD 4370

    Contact Agent

    12518000 m²Commercial Farming & Rural
  7. LAWD Pty Ltd

    Moorabinda, 1859 Greens Road,
    Taroom, QLD 4420

    Contact Agent

    15977 ha (39480.03 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural
  8. Advertisement
  9. PRD Commercial Wide Bay - MARYBOROUGH

    34 Four Mile Road East,
    Tinana South, QLD 4650


    23.29 ha (57.55 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural • Development Sites & Land
  10. First National Real Estate - Bundaberg

    587 Moolboolaman Road,
    Moolboolaman, QLD 4671


    75.83 ha (187.38 acres) 10Commercial Farming & Rural
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