Sold Commercial Farming & Rural Property in Dutton, SA 5356

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  2. Sold
    Karinya Station – Substantial Barossa Grazing Property with Historic Homestead• Large-scale grazing property • 100 year-old homestead • Just over an hour’s drive from Adelaide
    Colliers - ADELAIDE
    Jesse Manuel
    Tim Altschwager
    Nick Dean

    Karinya Station, 3872 Pipeline Road,
    Moculta, SA 5353

    Contact Agent

    921 ha (2275.84 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Jesse Manuel, Tim Altschwager, Nick Dean

  3. Sold
    Section 91 and Lot 707 Angle & Brownlow Roads Eudunda SA 5374 - Image 1

    Range: $2,495,000 - $2,905,000

    2280000 m²Commercial Farming & Rural
  4. Sold
    Ebenezer Vineyard at Koonunga, Truro- Tanunda Road Koonunga SA 5373 - Image 1

    Contact Agent

    12.14 ha (30 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural
  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    Section 38 Belvidere Road Ebenezer SA 5355 - Image 1


    31.2 ha (77.1 acres)Development Sites & Land • Commercial Farming & Rural
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