Sold Commercial Properties in Herdsman, WA 6017

81-90 of 459 results
  1. Properties in surrounding suburbs

  2. Sold
    Corporate Office - Leased Investment to National Tenant• Solid income stream • Modern high quality fitout • 10 Exclusive carbays
    Axia Corporate Property - Perth

    3/24 Parkland Road,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017

    Contact Agent

    304 m² 10Offices

    Ric Olivieri

  3. Sold
    Rare Street Frontage Warehouse• Direct roller door access from Street • Solid brick & metal deck roof • Vacant possession opportunity
    Burgess Rawson  - Perth

    4/6 Leeway Court,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    194 m²Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

    Chad Henville

  4. Sold
    Ultra Rare Ultra Premium Leased Investment• Ultra successful Marketing Tenant • Ultra cool fitout • Benefit from great capital growth
    Built Form Capital - Osborne Park

    6/7 Guthrie Street,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    333 m² 4Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Showrooms & Large Format Retail • Offices

    Henry Chau

  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    Centrally Located Office / Warehouse• Prominent street address • 50sqm* Additional yard space • Additional yard
    Burgess Rawson  - Perth

    5/28 Frobisher Street,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    209 m²Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

    Ben Flanagan, Brodie Keay

  7. Sold
    Sovereign Property Solutions - MT Hawthorn

    18/70 Roberts Street,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    150 m² 4Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

    John Barndon, Tom Orton

  8. MLV Real Estate - Welshpool

    78 Albert Street,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    1012 m²Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Development Sites & Land

    Chris Chesky, David Lamb

  9. Advertisement
  10. Sold
    In One Line Opportunity - Large Apartments, High Income, Reliable Cashflow
    RWC  - WA

    45 Cape Street,
    Osborne Park, WA 6017


    0.4 ha (1 acres) 26Other • Development Sites & Land

    Stephen Harrison, Brett Wilkins

  11. RWC  - WA

    1B Sunray Drive,
    Innaloo, WA 6018


    106 m²Medical & Consulting

    Tom Jones, Brett Wilkins

  12. Sold
    Outstanding Fitted Out Boutique Office• Excellent Natural Light • Functional Fit Out with private offices • 2 Secure exclusive car bays
    Burgess Rawson  - Perth

    6/405 - 407 Oxford Street,
    Mount Hawthorn, WA 6016

    $572,000 Inclusive of GST

    104 m²Offices

    Luke Randazzo

  13. SVN Commercial - PERTH

    21/127 Herdsman Parade,
    Wembley, WA 6014

    Contact Agent

    226 m² 9Offices

    Rocco Demaio

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