Sold Commercial Farming & Rural Property in Lue, NSW 2850

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    Properties sold in Central Tablelands, NSW and Mudgee - Greater Region, NSW

  2. Sold
    Award Winning Mixed Farming Opportunity
    Col Medway
    Tim Corcoran

    Address available on request,
    Greenethorpe, NSW 2809

    Contact Agent

    476.4 ha (1177.21 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Col Medway, Tim Corcoran

  3. Sold
    Danny Thomas

    Address available on request,
    Corinella, NSW 2871

    Contact Agent

    14074 ha (34777.61 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Danny Thomas

  4. LAWD
    Col Medway
    Trish Brewer
    Ian Robertson

    Address available on request,
    Canowindra, NSW 2804

    Contact Agent

    183 ha (452.2 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Col Medway, Trish Brewer, Ian Robertson

  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    First-Class Irrigation, Dryland Cropping and Grazing
    Ian Robertson

    Fairholme Aggregation Lachlan Valley Way,
    Condobolin, NSW 2877

    Contact Agent

    3786 ha (9355.41 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Ian Robertson

  7. Sold
    Institutional Scale Mixed Farming Opportunity
    Danny Thomas
    Ian Robertson

    Jemalong Station Lachlan Valley Way,
    Forbes, NSW 2871

    Contact Agent

    13498 ha (33354.28 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural

    Danny Thomas, Ian Robertson

  8. Advertisement
  9. LAWD Pty Ltd

    1022 Rivers Road,
    Canowindra, NSW 2804

    Contact Agent

    115.21 ha (284.69 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural
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