Sold Shop & Retail Property in Lyalls Mill, WA 6225

1-10 of 14 results
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    Properties in surrounding suburbs

  2. Sold
    Woolworths Anchored Neighbourhood Shopping Centre• Strong specialty tenant retention • 83% underpinned by national tenants • Expansive 1.16 ha site
    JLL - Perth
    Nigel Freshwater
    Sean Flynn

    Collie Central, 25 Johnston Street,
    Collie, WA 6225


    4508 m²Shops & Retail

    Other Agencies: Lease Equity - Perth

    Nigel Freshwater, Sean Flynn

    Other Agencies
    Lease Equity - Perth
  3. Added 1 day agoSold
    118 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1

    Contact Agent

    90 m²Shops & Retail
  4. Sold
    120 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    45 m²Shops & Retail
  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    97 Throssell Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    120 m²Shops & Retail
  7. Sold
    78 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1

    78 Forrest Street,
    Collie, WA 6225


    124 m²Shops & Retail
  8. Sold
    70-78 Steere Street North Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    1828 m²Shops & Retail • Offices
  9. Advertisement
  10. Sold
    136 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    640 m²Shops & Retail • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Showrooms & Large Format Retail
  11. Sold
    123 Throssell Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    150 m² 2Shops & Retail
  12. Sold
    62 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    110 m²Shops & Retail
  13. Sold
    78 Forrest Street Collie WA 6225 - Image 1


    240 m²Shops & Retail
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