Sold Hotel, Motel & Leisure Property in Nomans Lake, WA 6312

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    Properties sold in Wheatbelt, WA and South Coast Region, WA

  2. Sold
    UNDER OFFER | Monopoly Tavern in High Growth Location | New 13 Year Lease to Successful Tavern Operator• Fixed 3% annual rent reviews • Tenant pays all outgoings incl land tax • Recent $1 million tenant fit-out
    Burgess Rawson - Melbourne
    Natalie Couper

    1/18 Portobello Road,
    Dalyellup, WA 6230

    Contact Agent

    1259 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Showrooms & Large Format Retail • Medical & Consulting

    Other Agencies: Burgess Rawson - Perth

    Natalie Couper

    Other Agencies
    Burgess Rawson  - Perth
  3. Sold
    BUSSELTON BEACH RESORT• 1.7Ha* landholding • 32, 2 & 3 bedroom self-contained villas • Located within WA's South West mecca
    Ray White Stocker Preston  - Dunsborough
    Peter De Chiera
    Louis De Chiera

    393 Marine Terrace,
    Busselton, WA 6280

    $10,000,000 - $11,000,000

    17000 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure

    Other Agencies: CBRE - Perth

    Peter De Chiera, Louis De Chiera

    Other Agencies
    CBRE - Perth
  4. Sold
    Moran's Wagin Hotel - Offers Invited from $200,000
    RWC  - WA

    77 Tudor Street,
    Wagin, WA 6315

    Contact Agent

    1112 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure
  5. Advertisement
  6. Tyler & Sons - Perth

    30 Meagher Drive,
    Badgingarra, WA 6521

    Contact Agent

    1.04 ha (2.57 acres)Hotel, Motel & Leisure
  7. Advertisement
  8. Hayes Commercial - NORTH FREMANTLE

    2 South Western Highway,
    Donnybrook, WA 6239

    Contact Agent

    1.04 ha (2.58 acres)Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Development Sites & Land
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