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10/1 Ashley Street Hornsby, NSW 2077


10/1 Ashley Street,
Hornsby, NSW 2077


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Map of 10/1 Ashley Street


Exceptional Office

Unique Location in a small office complex located on the western side of Hornsby near the RSL club. Only a short walk to Hornsby Station and Shops.
This office is situated on the upper level, faces north and easy access from the street.
* Balcony
* Kitchenette
* Toilets
* 2 car spaces cover in the basement

*All data is provided for information purposes only and while all care is taken in its presentation, LJ Hooker Commercial Hornsby does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information. For further information contact LJ Hooker Commercial Hornsby on (02) 9476 52...

Property ID: 503558878Last Updated: 8 Jan 2021

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10/1 Ashley Street
Hornsby, NSW 2077
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16 George Street

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