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Colliers - Sydney

102 Bigge Street Liverpool, NSW 2170


102 Bigge Street,
Liverpool, NSW 2170

Shops & Retail • Medical & Consulting • Other

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Colliers - Sydney
Joe Sacco
Harry Bui

Colliers - Sydney

Level 30, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street
Colliers - Sydney
102 Bigge Street
Liverpool, NSW 2170

Map of 102 Bigge Street


Secure investment with growth

  • 100% lease to NSW Health
  • Renewed 5 year lease to June 2023
  • Total net passing income: $162,324 pa*
Colliers International is excited to offer for sale 102 Bigge Street, Liverpool.

102 Bigge Street offers the following main benefits:

- 100% lease to NSW Health | South Western Sydney Local Health District
- Renewed 5 year lease from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2023
- Total site area: 531sqm*
- Total GLA of 531sqm
- Zoned B4 Mixed Use with FSR 2.5:1 and maximum height limit: 40 metres
- Total net passing income: $162,324* per annum increasing to $168,800* from 1 July 2019
- Rent review: 4% pa
- Tenant pays Insurance, A/C R&M, Water Usage

Liverpool is part of the South-West growth corridor and has been identified as a future growth area by the New South Wales Government to help accommodate Sydney’s future population growth over the next 25-30 years and is planned to include precincts containing some 110,000 new dwellings (or some 300,000 persons) once completed. In addition, the South-West Draft Sub-Regional Strategy identifies Liverpool as a Regional City, which is projected to accommodate 66,700 dwellings and provide some 30,000 jobs in total by 2031. (Source: Pitney Bowes Business Insight).


Property ID: 503095318Last Updated: 10 Mar 2022

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Colliers - Sydney
Level 30, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street

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