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190 Pacific Highway Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450


190 Pacific Highway,
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

Medical & Consulting • Offices • Shops & Retail

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Car spaces

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Map of 190 Pacific Highway


Prime Highway Exposure with Future Development Opportunity - STCA

Not often do highway exposure sites with future development potential - subject to Council approval come along,

190 Pacific Highway provides approx 21m frontage to Pacific Highway and is within close proximity to the Coffs Harbour CBD and most of Coffs Harbour's key economic landmarks.


- 3 air conditioned offices with large reception area
- 2 bathrooms providing (separate male and female toilet and shower)
- Carport provides undercover parking with additional onsite parking spaces on site
- Plenty of windows, providing good natural light and natural air ventilation
- Great signage exposure for your business
- NBN connection
- Ramp at rear of building to assist with access to the property
- Windows fitted with crimsafe** type security screens

The Vendor advises that there was a new roof put on the property approx. 12 months ago and that they replaced old galvanised water piping to the property approx. 5 years ago.

The site is zoned E3 - Productivity Support - which, according to the Coffs Harbour Local Environmental Plan 2013 provides for the following uses, Permitted with Consent:

- Business premises; centre-based child care facilities; dwelling houses; function centres; garden centres; hardware and building supplies; hotel or motel accommodation; industrial retail outlets; information and education facilities; kiosks; local distribution premises; multi dwelling housing; neighbourhood shops; office premises; recreation facilities (indoor, outdoor and major); residential flat buildings; respite day care centres; restaurants or cafes; rural supplies; semi-detached dwellings; service stations; shop top housing; specialised retail premises; storage premises; take away food and drink premises; vehicle body repair workshops; vehicle repair stations; vehicle sales or hire premises; veterinary hospitals; warehouse or distribution centres; wholesale supplies - just to name a few!

This property will be sold vacant possession. The Vendor advises they are not registered for GST.

To inspect and secure this property - contact Exclusive Sales Agents: Your Commercial Property Specialist

Cherie Parik: 0423 369 9... or
Annie Swadling: 0423 075 065 or
Office: (02) 5606 24... or

We are your commercial property people - and we look forward to securing this premises for you/your client.

The information contained herein has been supplied to us and we have no reason to doubt its accuracy, however we cannot guarantee it. Accordingly, all interested parties should make their own enquiries to verify the information. Areas and distances are approximates only and are not intended to be relied upon. STCA -Subject to Council Approval. Vendor instructions to list at offers over $800,000 and advises they are not currently registered for GST. **Crimsafe or similar product. For more information on relevant zoning visit

Property ID: 504490720Last Updated: 18 Sep 2024

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This information is supplied by (ABN 21 080 195 535) on behalf of Proptrack Pty Ltd (ABN 43 127 386 298). Copyright and Legal Disclaimers about Property Data.
0423 369 9... logo
190 Pacific Highway
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450

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