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28A Somerville Street Bendigo, VIC 3550


28A Somerville Street,
Bendigo, VIC 3550

Medical & Consulting • Offices

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Located in Flora Hill, a very highly sought after residential location, this superb property is perfectly suited for continued use as a medical / allied health clinic. The building is approx. 218M2 and comprises a large reception - waiting area, conference room, generous staff room, store room along with 7 treatment rooms of various sizes, each with its own split system heating cooling unit. A huge bonus is the relatively new 10 kilowatt solar power unit which has a massive offset for reducing power costs. Another major asset are the 16 onsite carparks, providing easy access for your clients and patients. A great central location and in excellent condition throughout, this provides a fantastic opportunity to purchase your own freehold.
(Three rooms are currently leased, which could also be a benefit to have an income stream to assist offset costs)

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Property ID: 502707106Last Updated: 22 Jun 2023

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28A Somerville Street
Bendigo, VIC 3550
Tweed Sutherland First National - BENDIGO
52 Mitchell St

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