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3/14 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086


3/14 Rodborough Road,
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086

Showrooms & Large Format Retail

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Map of 3/14 Rodborough Road


2 Outstanding Investments. Leased to Exceptional Tenants.

100 year old European medical tenant with $400m annual turnover.
Close to the new Northern Beaches hospital site.
Renewed 5 year lease to 2019.
4 valuable parking spaces.
Total area 375 sqm.
Net Income: $71,800 pa + GST.
Indicative Price: $995,000.

Private Treaty Offers Closing 2pm Thursday 7 August, Unless Sold Prior.

Michael Gilbert 0430 024 790

Property ID: 501209631Last Updated: 3 Oct 2014

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3/14 Rodborough Road
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086
Burgess Rawson - Sydney
Level 11.02, 9 Castlereagh Street

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