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32-38 Montgomery Street Kogarah, NSW 2217


32-38 Montgomery Street,
Kogarah, NSW 2217

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SOLD -The Best Development Site in Kogarah

  • Site Area – 1,342m2
  • B4 Mixed Use, 4.5:1 FSR & 39m height
  • 6,039m2 GFA
Colliers International is pleased to bring to market 32-38 Montgomery Street, Kogarah - one of the most sought after development sites south of Sydney. This prime development site is in an unbeatable position being located on 32-38 Montgomery Street within the heart of Kogarah CBD.

The property has recently been rezoned to allow for a high density mixed use development making this the best development site to hit the open market within the Kogarah precinct in many years.

The property represents a rare opportunity to secure a quality site, in an ideally placed position with the following attributes:

- Site area approximately 1,342m2
- Potential Gross Floor Area approximately 6,039m2
- Premier location on the doorstep to major retail, café, restaurants, educational, rail/bus transport, NRL club and football field, golf and public/private hospitals facilities
- Level site with two street frontages to Montgomery Street & Moorefield Lane
- Existing four level commercial and residential building comprising of basement car parking for 45 cars, 1,000m2 approx ground floor office space and 12 x 2 bedroom apartments allowing for short term income whilst planning future development.
- Street frontage to Montgomery is approximately 30 metres and 30 metres to Moorefield lane.

The Property is being sold by expressions of interest closing Wednesday 8th November at 4pm.

Enquiries about the property should be directed to the following representative of Colliers International:

Trent Gallagher
Director I Property Sales & Leasing
M: +61 432 242 0...
D: +61 2 8336 6222

Property ID: 502588014Last Updated: 23 May 2018

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32-38 Montgomery Street
Kogarah, NSW 2217

Detailed listing

Colliers - Sydney South
Building 3, Level 8, 185-191 O'Riordan Street

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