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Burgess Rawson Canberra Commercial - Dickson

38 Thynne Street Bruce, ACT 2617


38 Thynne Street,
Bruce, ACT 2617

Offices • Medical & Consulting

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Burgess Rawson Canberra Commercial - Dickson
Steve Burke

Burgess Rawson Canberra Commercial - Dickson

501/23 Challis Street
Burgess Rawson Canberra Commercial - Dickson
38 Thynne Street
Bruce, ACT 2617

Map of 38 Thynne Street


100% Australian Government Leased Investment

  • Fully Leased to Commonwealth Tenant
  • Stand Alone Building
  • Quality Long Term Investment
Auction Location: Yallamundi Room, Opera House, Sydney.

Burgess Rawson are delighted to exclusively offer for Sale by Auction this outstanding investment fully leased to The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

ACIAR House is a high quality standalone two storey office building, originally constructed in 1996 on a substantial 5,574 sqm corner block location fronting Traegar Circuit and Thynne Street, Bruce ACT.

This is a quality investment with a rare net lease to a major Commonwealth Government agency. The property was substantially refurbished in 2015 including air conditioning upgrades and re-carpeting. The base building lighting has also recently been upgraded to LED fittings. The property enjoys a 4.0 Star NABERS rating and features a generous onsite car park with 65 spaces, external lighting, landscaping and a bike cage.

The internal office fit out comes complete with full furnishing, open plan areas, individual offices, meeting rooms, one lift (750kg), large kitchen/breakout space and amenities.
The large landholding supported by a mixed use zoning provides substantial future redevelopment potential.

Fern Hill Technology park has grown into a mixed use precinct featuring both residential and office accommodation. On-grade parking currently for 65 vehicles, external lighting, landscaping and a bike cage. Located in the Northern Canberra suburb of Bruce, the nearby Belconnen district has a population of 96,049. It is 7km from the Canberra CBD, 3km from Belconnen town centre, Close proximity to AIS, UC, Calvary Hospital and the ANU.

ACIAR are a statutory authority within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Purpose clause
The premises can only be used for one or more of the following:
- Electronic and micro-electronic systems
- Computer software and hardware
- Instrumentation and instruments
- Electronic communication and telecommunication systems and goods
- Biological medical and/or paramedical goods or;
- Other goods intended for use in science and technology


+ Block size - 5,574sqm
+ Land zone use - CZ5 mixed use
+ NLA - 1,485sqm
+ 4 star NABERS energy rating
+ Lessee: ACIAR
+ Lease Term: 12 years
+ Lease Commencement: 1st August 2013
+ Lease Expiry: 31st July 2025
+ Options: 1 x 5 years
+ Annual Increases of 3%
+ Anticipated yield circa 6.0% net
+ Market review every five years.
+ Future potential residential redevelopment

Net income $560,597.00 pa + GST

To be sold by Investment Portfolio Auction:
11:00am AEDT
Tuesday 14 December 2021
Yallamundi Rooms, Opera House, Sydney

For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Steve Burke on 0428 434 4... or Rhys Parker on 0451 101 042.

Property ID: 503956246Last Updated: 4 Jul 2022

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