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RWC  - Gold Coast

7/8 Production Avenue Molendinar, QLD 4214


7/8 Production Avenue,
Molendinar, QLD 4214

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Showrooms & Large Format Retail • Offices

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RWC  - Gold Coast
Jackson Rameau

RWC - Gold Coast

Level 2, 50 Cavill Avenue
RWC  - Gold Coast
7/8 Production Avenue
Molendinar, QLD 4214

Map of 7/8 Production Avenue



Jackson Rameau & Ben Cuddihy of RWC Gold Coast proudly present to the market via Auction 7/8 Production Avenue, Molendinar, QLD.

Key features include:
- Net income $46,800 * + GST + Outgoings (ability to occupy within 6 months)
- 217m2* of near new warehouse (132m2 ground floor area* + 85m2 mezzanine installed by original developer*)
- 3 x allocated car parks + ample visitors
- Three high-quality offices, each with ducted air-conditioning on mezzanine level
- High-clearance automatic roller shutter
- Situated within a securely gated complex of 16 units
- Ground floor features a private bathroom and kitchenette
- Two additional water basins on the mezzanine level
- Installed with 3-Phase Power for an array of uses
- Ideal for owner-occupier to do lease variation stating either party can terminate with 6 months notice
- Optimal connectivity with short travel times to the Smith Street and M1 Motorway
- Owner committed to investing elsewhere and genuine on selling!
- Don't miss out on this outstanding industrial opportunity. Call to inspect today!
- Will be sold, all offers to be submitted!

For sale via Public Auction to be held at 11:00 am Thursday 26th September 2024 at the Gold Coast Turf Club, Racecourse Drive, Bundall QLD. For more information or to arrange a private inspection, please contact the exclusive marketing agents Jackson Rameau on 0438 451 1... or Ben Cuddihy on 0434 511 4....

Disclaimer: The website may have filtered the property into a price bracket for website functionality purposes. RWC Gold Coast has not independently checked any of the information we merely pass on. We make no comment on and give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in this document which does not constitute all or any part of any offer or contract by the recipient. Prospective purchasers/lessees must rely on their own enquiries and should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, inquiries, advices or as is otherwise necessary. No duty of care is assumed by Orchid Avenue Realty trading as RWC Gold Coast divisions toward the recipient with regard to the use of this information and all information given is given without responsibility. *Approximately

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Property ID: 504670816Last Updated: 28 Oct 2024

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RWC - Gold Coast
Level 2, 50 Cavill Avenue

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