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87 Lions Drive Mudgee, NSW 2850


87 Lions Drive,
Mudgee, NSW 2850

Showrooms & Large Format Retail

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Strategically situated in the heart of Mudgee's industrial zone, this spacious gem offers a grand showroom, modern offices, and ample space to grow. Not only perfect for your thriving business, but its potential to house multiple tenants makes it an ideal investment.

- Situated on a secure fully fenced 2012sqm site
- High exposure position just off Castlereagh Highway
- Building area of approximately 668sqm plus expansive mezzanine
- Stunning showroom/reception area approx. 6m x 27m in size
- Multiple office spaces provided all with reverse cycle air conditioning
- Two storage rooms approx. 6m x 10m & 8.5m x 12m in size with reverse a/c
- Huge mezzanine level 25mx25m with new evaporative cooling systems
- Staff amenities are provided with equipped Kitchen and two W/C
- Three 5m high mortised roller doors to factory areas with additional storage and parking on western side
- Truck access with multiple access/entry points
- High traffic flow with established businesses in surrounding area
- Directly opposite proposed new Bunnings Super Centre
- Plenty of off-street parking and yard space
- Current rent being achieved $3,765.00 per month

Seize this exceptional opportunity to position your business in an expansive and functional building, boasting high road exposure. Don't miss the chance to make your mark in a prime location! To Arrange your inspection today contact David Goldring on 0426 251 9... or Ashle Olsen on 0406 635 699.

Forth coming Auction if not sold Prior

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Property ID: 504387596Last Updated: 4 Dec 2023

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87 Lions Drive
Mudgee, NSW 2850

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