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First National Commercial - O'Donoghues

Apt G4, 6 Finniss Street Darwin City, NT 0800


Apt G4, 6 Finniss Street,
Darwin City, NT 0800

Offices • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Showrooms & Large Format Retail

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First National Commercial - O'Donoghues
Ankita Rayal
Jeremy O'Donoghue

First National Commercial - O'Donoghues

141 Mitchell Street
First National Commercial - O'Donoghues
Apt G4, 6 Finniss Street
Darwin City, NT 0800

Map of Apt G4, 6 Finniss Street


Commercial Investment

* Ground floor commercial suite leased to established hairdresser
* Current passing rental of $1,681 per month gross
* Existing fit out with amenities
* Located at the entrance of the Catalyst building
* Secure car parking

Body Corp Manager: Whittles
Body Corp Fees: $1,144 p/q (approx. including sinking fund)
Rates: $1,510 p/a (approx.)

Please call Jeremy O’Donoghue 0407 080 0... or Ankita Rayal 0400 428 9....

Property ID: 503772134Last Updated: 4 Jul 2022

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