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Address available on request Armidale, NSW 2350

Address available on request,
Armidale, NSW 2350

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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Superb Leasehold Bed & Breakfast Motel Armidale NSW

We are very pleased to have been appointed Exclusive agents to market the leasehold interest of the Hideaway Motor Inn located in the NSW City of Armidale.
With a very solid trading history, consistent occupancy rates and low maintenance; this is a very rare opportunity to enter the Motel market, in a very tightly held and safe city.
The owners have spared no expense in preparing this 22 room 3.5 star self-rated property to allow a new tenant to continue the high growth trend it has been achieving.
With a long lease in place and the net –rent ratio is among the best that you will find.
The owner’s residence features 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room with office and separate lounge room. The front office is accessed directly from the residence.

Armidale is a relatively small city located in the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, only two hours from the coast and situated halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. A delightful city with a unique blend of culture and diversity, Armidale is home to one of the leading universities in the state and a number of leading private and public schools.

This is a very solid business with great financials and plenty left for new owners to apply.
Don’t miss this opportunity, a must to inspect.
Net $211,000

Property ID: 502749194Last Updated: 21 Aug 2018

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Address available on request
Armidale, NSW 2350
Accommodation Business Brokers - HOPE ISLAND
2190 Gold Coast Highway

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