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Address available on request Gorokan, NSW 2263

Address available on request,
Gorokan, NSW 2263

Hotel, Motel & Leisure

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576ML - A Central Coast Motel with Lake Views

Located just an hour north of Sydney. Only a few minutes from the M1 interchange. Views of local lakes. Featuring 18 rooms with a variety of configurations. Prime location - walking distance to Clubs and Cafes.
The Motel is located just an hour north of Sydney on the scenic Central Coast, only a few minutes from the M1 interchange. The motel features 18 rooms with a variety of configurations suitable for stopovers, family getaways or the business traveller.

With an outdoor pool and views of the garden, the property is a convenient place to stay whilst exploring the local surfing beaches or visiting the major shopping centres in nearby Gosford and Wyong. And being within a short distance of restaurants and clubs, means that the needs of visitors are easily catered for.

Net profit $115,976 for 2015 calendar year

Contact Warren Sweetman from Tourism Brokers for further information or to arrange an inspection.

Property ID: 576ML (quote when enquiring)

Location: Gorokan NSW

Gorokan is located in the NSW Central Coast region. Often the area is referred to as Wyong because it is in the Wyong Shire. Tuggerah Lake and Budgewoi Lake are two interconnected lakes spanned by Wallarah Point Bridge. On the western side of the bridge is Gorokan and on the eastern side is Toukley.

Ideally located on the northern fringe of Sydney and just half an hour drive from Newcastle, Wyong Shire is one of the best holiday locations on the NSW Central Coast and is also a great place to live.

It offers a rich diversity of landscapes with the seaside towns of The Entrance, Toowoon Bay and Bateau Bay, pristine beaches, the extensive coastal estuary of Tuggerah Lakes, national parks and lush hinterland featuring rural villages.

The abundant natural beauty and extensive waterfront of the area provides the perfect playground for nature and water based leisure experiences. Deep rural valleys and an unspoilt mountain backdrop frame heritage pockets and a thriving urban centre with dining and retail.

Property Code: 1667

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Property ID: 501692229Last Updated: 12 Jul 2016

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Address available on request
Gorokan, NSW 2263
Tourism Brokers - NSW, QLD, VIC & TAS
Centralised Administration: 32 Lamorna Ave

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