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Lot 23, 45 Bolton Street Newcastle, NSW 2300


Lot 23, 45 Bolton Street,
Newcastle, NSW 2300

Shops & Retail

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Map of Lot 23, 45 Bolton Street


Tenanted East End café with great fundamentals

  • Total strata area 151sqm*
  • Net income $31,700 per annum
  • Modern industrial fitout
The subject property comprises a tenanted investment opportunity with a new five year lease in place.

The property boasts strong fundamentals with a modern industrial fitout comprising a total strata area of 151sqm* with two secure car spaces (one currently enclosed as a storage cage).

The property benefits from its trendy East End location with the operating cafe servicing a large catchment including a plethora of commercial premises and an established residential precinct with significant construction underway in the immediate vicinity.

For Sale by Public Auction | Thursday 25 March 2021 at 10.30am
Ground Floor, 18 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle


Property ID: 503760138Last Updated: 30 Nov 2022

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Lot 23, 45 Bolton Street
Newcastle, NSW 2300
Colliers - Newcastle
Ground Floor, 18 Honeysuckle Drive

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