Sold Shop & Retail Property in Ringtail Creek, QLD 4565

1-10 of 53 results
  1. No properties in your exact locations

    Properties in surrounding suburbs

  2. RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    David Brinkley
    Rachel Cadamy

    3/10 Memorial Avenue,
    Tewantin, QLD 4565


    59 m²Shops & Retail

    David Brinkley, Rachel Cadamy

  3. Sold
    Thriving Investment Property in Central Cooroy
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    Rachel Cadamy
    Tracey Ryan

    Shop 2, 1A Emerald Street,
    Cooroy, QLD 4563


    72 m²Shops & Retail

    Rachel Cadamy, Tracey Ryan

  4. RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    Rachel Cadamy

    Suite 13, 97 Poinciana Avenue,
    Tewantin, QLD 4565


    49 m²Offices • Medical & Consulting • Shops & Retail

    Rachel Cadamy

  5. Advertisement
  6. Sold
    Tenanted Investment - 6.67% Yield
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    John Petralia

    John Petralia

  7. Sold
    Established Childcare Investment | 15 Year Net Lease + Options to 2052• Increases to the greater of CPI or 3% • Tenant pays all outgoings incl land tax • Expansive 2,028sqm* site
    Burgess Rawson - Brisbane
    Adam Thomas
    Josh Scapolan

    22 Kauri Street,
    Cooroy, QLD 4563

    Contact Agent

    550 m²Medical & Consulting • Offices • Shops & Retail

    Adam Thomas, Josh Scapolan

  8. Sold
    HIGH PERFORMING NOOSA WOOLWORTHS SUPERMARKET• Woolworths & 9 retail tenants • 7km west of Noosa Heads • Woolworths paying percentage rent
    CBRE - Sunshine Coast
    Louisa Blennerhassett

    86 Poinciana Avenue,
    Tewantin, QLD 4565

    Contact Agent

    3104 m²Shops & Retail

    Other Agencies: CBRE - Brisbane

    Louisa Blennerhassett

    Other Agencies
    CBRE - Brisbane
  9. Advertisement
  10. Sold
    Tenanted Retail Property Investment
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    John Petralia

    John Petralia

  11. Sold
    Tenanted Retail Investment with Upside - Deceased Estate
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    John Petralia

    Shop 14/113 Poinciana Avenue,
    Tewantin, QLD 4565


    56 m²Shops & Retail • Offices

    John Petralia

  12. Sold
    7% net return - Five Tenanted Retail Shops
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    David Brinkley
    Tracey Ryan

    18 Memorial Avenue,
    Pomona, QLD 4568


    235 m²Shops & Retail

    David Brinkley, Tracey Ryan

  13. Sold
    Investment Opportunity - 2 Tenants
    RWC  - Noosa & Sunshine Coast
    Tracey Ryan
    David Brinkley

    Lots 1 & 2/4 Memorial Avenue,
    Pomona, QLD 4568


    409 m²Shops & Retail

    Tracey Ryan, David Brinkley

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