Sold Commercial Properties in Yarrawonga, NSW 2850

1-6 of 6 results
  1. Properties in surrounding suburbs

  2. Sold
    Expansive 2,149sqm* Service Station Freehold - Dual Street Frontage in Town Centre• Offered on vacant possession basis • Less than 500m* to Gulgong town centre • High Exposure - 106m* combined frontage
    McGrath Central Tablelands - MUDGEE
    Adam Woods

    22 Station Street,
    Gulgong, NSW 2852

    Contact Agent

    830 m²Shops & Retail • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial • Other

    Other Agencies: Burgess Rawson - Sydney

    Adam Woods

    Other Agencies
    Burgess Rawson - Sydney
  3. Sold
    Ten Dollar Town Motel & Larsen's Restaurant• 39-key accommodation venue • Expansive landholding of 5,851sqm • Excellent local economic drivers
    JLL - Hotels & Hospitality Group
    Greg Jeloudev
    Edward Browne

    Ten Dollar Town Motel & Larsen’s Restaurant, 130 Mayne Street,
    Gulgong, NSW 2852

    Contact Agent

    5851 m²Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Shops & Retail

    Greg Jeloudev, Edward Browne

  4. Advertisement
  5. Sold
    Centennial Hotel, Gulgong• Average weekly income $53k+ • 6 high performing GMEs • Excellent 1,345sqm landholding
    JLL - Hotels & Hospitality Group
    Greg Jeloudev
    Edward Browne

    Greg Jeloudev, Edward Browne

  6. Sold
    86-88 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852 - Image 1

    86-88 Herbert Street,
    Gulgong, NSW 2852


    199 m²Shops & Retail
  7. Sold
    126-128 Mayne Street Gulgong NSW 2852 - Image 1

    126-128 Mayne Street,
    Gulgong, NSW 2852


    300 m²Showrooms & Large Format Retail
  8. Advertisement
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