Commercial Farming & Rural Property For Sale in Kensington, VIC 3031

21-30 of 99 results
  1. Properties for sale in VIC

  2. Finn Commercial Property

    Address available on request,
    Werribee, VIC 3030


    2.2 ha (5.44 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural • Development Sites & Land • Other
  3. Advertisement
  4. LAWD Pty Ltd

    584 Strathallan Road,
    Bamawm, VIC 3561

    Contact Agent

    175 ha (432.43 acres)Commercial Farming & Rural
  5. Advertisement
  6. Langley & Co - ADELAIDE

    Delatite Wines, 390 Pollards Road,
    Mansfield, VIC 3722

    Contact Agent

    1970 m²Commercial Farming & Rural • Hotel, Motel & Leisure • Other
  7. Fletchers  - Yarra Ranges

    21-23 Parker Road,
    Silvan, VIC 3795

    $1,900,000 - $2,090,000

    3876 m²Commercial Farming & Rural • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial
  8. Marchetti Group PTY LTD - DOREEN

    7 Maddens Lane,
    Coldstream, VIC 3770

    $5,950,000 - $6,500,000

    16.19 ha (40 acres) 12Commercial Farming & Rural • Development Sites & Land • Hotel, Motel & Leisure Pty Ltd does not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or accept any liability arising in any way from any omissions or errors. The information should not be regarded as advice or relied upon by you or any other person and we recommend that you seek professional advice before making any property decisions.