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84 Thornton Gap Road Hervey Range, QLD 4817


84 Thornton Gap Road,
Hervey Range, QLD 4817

Development Sites & Land

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Sale - Auction Mon 27 Jan


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Elevated Rural Allotment | Close Proximity To Townsville

Gregory Bell and Adrian Pascoe from RWC are privileged to present For Sale 84 Thornton Gap Road, Hervey Range, QLD.

Located in Far North Queensland, the subject property (also referred to as 'Sharpe's Ridge') is set on 94.68* hectares of native land and offers unparalleled views from its unique location near Thornton's Gap, a historic pass once traversed by stagecoaches and bullock trains. Just a short drive from Townsville International Airport, this property provides uninterrupted vistas of Townsville, Magnetic Island, and the Coral Sea.

This property presents an opportunity for redevelopment into a small community with the enthusiastic support of the Charters Towers Council. Alternatively, it could become an idyllic retreat, boasting a magnificent home and multiple buildings that would make it an estate to envy, appealing to any aspiring land baron.

• 94.68* hectare freehold property
• Overlooks the spectacular Pipers Lookout
• Adjacent to the successful iconic Heritage Tea Rooms
• Features a small caretaker house with a spacious carport
• Includes a lock-up shed, shower/toilet block with power and caravan pads
• A second oversized shed, alongside several small self-contained huts
• Comes with tractor and ride-on mower
• Bore for water supply
• Historical significance with former attractions like 'Mountain Way Tunnel Tours'
• Redevelopment Potential^
• Current owners have created Eco Village Plans, with plans available to view
• The land is FIRB approved

For more information or to arrange a private inspection, please contact the exclusive marketing agents.


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Property ID: 504684528Last Updated: 19 Dec 2024 logo
84 Thornton Gap Road
Hervey Range, QLD 4817

Detailed listing

RWC - Gold Coast
Level 2, 50 Cavill Avenue
RWC - Townsville
Level 1, 41-51 Sturt Street

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