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32B Darlot Street Horsham, VIC 3400


32B Darlot Street,
Horsham, VIC 3400

Offices • Shops & Retail • Medical & Consulting

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Map of 32B Darlot Street


Right next to busy Pharmacy for Lease

Located just opposite Coles supermarket and next to Horsham's busiest pharmacy, with high customer traffic flow, is a modern shop front, just waiting for your business… but it wont last long!
Large window display, good ceiling and lighting. This would be the perfect position to locate your business.

Floor Area: 102 sqm
Rent: $1,600-00 per calendar month plus G.S.T. if applicable.
Outgoings: G.S.T. (if applicable), Council Rates, Water Rates, Plate Glass Insurance & Public Liability Insurance.

For further details or to arrange an inspection please give me a call on 0418 504 8....

Property ID: 501425403Last Updated: 19 Feb 2016

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32B Darlot Street
Horsham, VIC 3400
Horsham Real Estate - Horsham
54 Hamilton Street

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