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4/222 Vincent Street Vincent Street Cessnock, NSW 2325


4/222 Vincent Street Vincent Street,
Cessnock, NSW 2325

Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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Map of 4/222 Vincent Street Vincent Street


Industrial unit in the main street of Cessnock.

Phone enquiry code for this property: 1344

At over 170 square meters plus Mezzanine and positioned in the main street just before Bunnings this is prime location for a wide range of businesses. 5 customer car spaces, small office and toilet facilities. Large concrete floor space suitable for all types of light industrial/mechanical/retail enterprises. Through traffic to Bunnings a feature. Close to a wide range of retail and industrial businesses such as Metal Mates, Kawasaki Connection, Lifeguard Tyres and Rover Coaches. The advantages of main street frontage without the high lease costs of retail shops. $22,000 inc gst plus water and electricity.

Phone enquiry code for this property: 1344

Property ID: 503110690Last Updated: 26 Aug 2019

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4/222 Vincent Street Vincent Street
Cessnock, NSW 2325
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