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McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)

87 Ledger Road Beverley, SA 5009


87 Ledger Road,
Beverley, SA 5009

Offices • Other • Warehouse, Factory & Industrial

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McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)

McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)

Level 10/60 Waymouth Street
08 8414 78...
McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)
87 Ledger Road
Beverley, SA 5009

Map of 87 Ledger Road


Office/Residence plus Warehouse

- 140 square metre* office/residence
- 288 square metre* warehouse
- 1,244 square metre* site
- Ample on-site car parking
- 3-phase power

87 Ledger Road, Beverley is the ideal home/office and warehouse. The property offers flexible options to utilise the foremost building as a residence/office while the rear warehouse is available for industrial/trade uses.

Fully equipped with residential appliances including a stove, oven, and a shower; the property is fully equipped as a premium office or residence. There is on-site car parking for approximately 12 vehicles including a private carport adjacent to the office/residence.

The rear warehouse is approximately 288 square metres with an internal office and 3-phase power. There is an additional builders yard area adjacent to the warehouse.

To arrange an inspection of 87 Ledger Road, Beverley contact Saxon Smith of McGees Property.
(RLA 1722)

(* approx.)

Property ID: 503517114Last Updated: 22 Sep 2020

McGees Property - Adelaide (RLA 1722)
Level 10/60 Waymouth Street

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