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91A Boronia Road Boronia, VIC 3155


91A Boronia Road,
Boronia, VIC 3155

Shops & Retail • Offices • Medical & Consulting

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Well located, large shop 240m2 with two street frontages, Boronia Road and the other to large Dorset Square car park.
Excellent potential for a variety of use, retail, food outlet, restaurant, medical or offices, with ample parking.
Ground floor, all on one level with window displays, lighting, suspended ceilings, 2 toilets, kitchenette (etc).

* Total building area 2,400m2 approx.
* Lease and rental negotiable.

For further details & inspection contact our office on 03 9848 78...
Frank D'Assisi 0418 314 6...
Daniel D'Assisi 0411 863 3...

Property ID: 504068127Last Updated: 10 Aug 2022 logo
91A Boronia Road
Boronia, VIC 3155

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