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112-114 Roberts Street Emerald, QLD 4720


112-114 Roberts Street,
Emerald, QLD 4720

Development Sites & Land

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Map of 112-114 Roberts Street


Commercial land for sale on two titles

Don't miss this ideal land located on the corner of King St and Roberts St.

* Approximately 3131 sqm of vacant land
* 2 separate lots
* Each lot is approximate 1565m2
* Ready to build
* Will separate if required
* Zoned Industry

For further details please contact Kasra Mohebbi on 0408 875 875
Disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of the information contained herein, Adams and Jones Property Specialists will not be held liable for any errors in typing or information. All information is considered correct at the time of printing.
Any interested parties should satisfy themselves in this respect.

Property ID: 503765450Last Updated: 23 May 2021

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112-114 Roberts Street
Emerald, QLD 4720

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