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128 Peter Street Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650


128 Peter Street,
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

Medical & Consulting

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Map of 128 Peter Street


CBD Medical Investment Opportunity

Ideally located in the heart of the CBD on the western side of Peter Street and only one block from the main street, this property is surrounded by professional business suites, pathology laboratory, retail stores, cafes and the beautiful Victory Memorial Gardens. A large carpark across the road from the property allows further easy access to the medical practice and abundant parking for patients.

This property has an approximate land area of 1540 square metres

- large established medical practice tenancy with secure lease in place
- excellent street frontage with easy access
- approximate land area of 1540 square metres
- central reception area
- twelve medical consulting rooms
- two waiting rooms
- staff room and amenities
- side lane access with car-parking for approx. 15 cars, including 7 undercover parks

Contact Agent

The agent does not have authority to enter into a lease or bind the lessor without specific authority in the form of formal lease documentation. Oral lease agreements are expressly denied. All of the information contained in this document is from sources the Agent and Lessor believe to be reliable; however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Prospective Lessee’s are advised to carry out their own investigations

Property ID: 503284110Last Updated: 24 Oct 2019

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128 Peter Street
Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

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