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14 Delhi Road North Ryde, NSW 2113


14 Delhi Road,
North Ryde, NSW 2113

Offices • Medical & Consulting

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Rare freestanding building on a high exposure corner site.

14 Delhi Road, represents a very rare if not unique opportunity, to acquire a small freehold property in North Ryde.

The property has exceptional exposure on a major road, dual street frontages and a location directly opposite the Riverside Corporate Park. The area immediately surrounding the property, has developed into a blue ribbon business location that houses a “who’s who” of international corporations.

In addition to the excellent location, there is also a very significant existing building on the site, which was most recently utilised as a veterinary hospital. The brick and concrete building is constructed over three levels totalling approximately 925m2. The building could lend itself to a basic refurbishment which would create a functional office, technical or showroom style building with plenty of natural light and very good parking on site.

The site has lots of potential for major building expansion or renovation subject to council approval. Call us for an information memorandum.

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Property ID: 500475847Last Updated: 13 Dec 2013

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14 Delhi Road
North Ryde, NSW 2113
Glass Property - MACQUARIE PARK
Suite 2.18, Delhi Corporate, 32 Delhi Road

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