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Colliers - Townsville

23-31 Leichhardt Street North Ward, QLD 4810


23-31 Leichhardt Street,
North Ward, QLD 4810

Medical & Consulting • Offices

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Map of 23-31 Leichhardt Street


Government Constructed Medical Complex

  • Ability for owner occupation
  • Scope for further development
- The Stanton Centre is a former Qld Health asset which has been converted into a multi-tenancy medical complex
- Price reduced to $4.850,000 (ex GST)
- This is truly a unique offering for owner occupiers, developers and investors
- Enormous site area of 9,957sq.m with scope to further develop unutilised land as well as the air space above the existing car park (STCA)
- Favourably positioned in Townsville's most prestigious suburb with an elevated position offering panoramic ocean views
- Existing long term tenants including physio, sports GP, psychologist and gym with various vacant areas available for owner occupation
- Total NLA of 2,280sq.m (Level 4: 1,096sq.m, Level 5: 584sq.m and Level 6: 600sq.m)
- An abundance of on-site car parking (78 spaces with room for more)
- The air conditioning systems have been fully replaced in recent years
- Solar systems installed to offset occupancy costs
- 2 x lifts accessing all levels
- Supplementary access from Clifton Street available
- The property is being offered for sale as a whole however consideration will be given to sales of individual floors

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact Todd Walsh at Colliers.

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Property ID: 503715638Last Updated: 4 Nov 2021

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Colliers - Townsville

Level 1, 42 Sturt Street
0408 061 0...
Colliers - Townsville
23-31 Leichhardt Street
North Ward, QLD 4810
Colliers - Townsville
Level 1, 42 Sturt Street

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